•• Ruth likes bringing calm and order to the potentially chaotic process of planning and designing a building. Her background in architectural design and project team coordination is supplemented by a special expertise in Interior Design/T.I., Master Planning, Programming, Historic Preservation and Adaptive Re-Use, Material Selections & Specifications, and Detailing. Her project s with Muller & Caulfield Architects include the East County Hall of Justice, the Cherry Land Fire Station, Alameda Carnegie Library, Thousand Oaks Elementary School, and the Oakland Aviation Vehicle Maintenance Facility.
•• Charles has a strong interest in historic preservation, and recently completed his Master's in Vernacular Architecture for Oxford Brookes University in England. He is steady worker and an articulate thinker who studied English before Architecture. He is working primarily on the Alameda County Fire Department Vehicle Maintenance Facility, and the Lake Merritt Pergola Renovation. In his spare time, he is commencing on a project to document "Ramshackle Hippie Houses" in California.